Aug 24, 2022
The guests in this episode are David and Claudia Arp, the founders of the 10 Great Dates Program, which fosters fun, romance and intimacy in several easy steps for married and engaged couples. One of our apostolates, Date Night at the Basilica, will be hosting the program on a monthly basis starting on September 17, 2022.
In part one, the Arps talk about why the program has been so successful over the years and how couples can benefit by going on a Great Date. Stay tuned for part two, the final episode, which will air tomorrow and feature four Date Night at the Basilica leaders who will add their insights into why this program will help couples who attend a Great Date.
To sign up to attend the first Great Date on Sept. 17, 2022 -- you can attend one, some or all the 10 Great Dates in the upcoming months -- please click here. There is no charge.