Oct 20, 2022
Our Lord reminds us that whatever we do for the poor among us we do for Him. We hear Him with our hearts and minds, but the daily demands of life can leave us without the opportunity to respond in a most personal way. Becoming a volunteer and/or making a sacrificial donation to our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Society is that opportunity.
In the podcast, Marietta Bernot, the Basilica's SVdP President, shares some staggering statistics about the amount of need in the community, especially concerning those families who are being evicted from their homes, and how the society is helping them. She also shares some inspiring stories of how the society helped families who were in a dire situations.
What makes SVdP unique among all charity providers in Alexandria is that they go to the people who call for help, visiting them in their homes, confirming their need, listening to their challenges, and showing them in the most real way that they are not alone and not forgotten by Our Lord. It is an extraordinary gift to be able to touch someone’s life in this way.
Please join the society for their upcoming open house at the parish's Lyceum Auditorium, 313 Duke Street, on November 2, 2022, from 7:30-9 p.m. to learn more. They are seeking more volunteers, so if you are interested, please attend. Any questions, please email Marietta at svdp@stmaryoldtown.org.